It was fall 2001, I was twelve years old. Months earlier I had discovered the author Tamora Pierce and had scoured the library for any of her books. At the time she had several series out, The Song of the Lioness Quartet, The Immortals Quartet, The Circle of Magic Quartet and a new series called The Protector of the Small. To promote the second book in the Protector of the Small Quartet, Page, Tamora Pierce would be signing books at a bookstore in Toronto called Mabel’s Fables. I was so excited at the thought of meeting this author. But there was one problem. The signing was during school hours. I begged and begged my mum to take me, it wasn’t really skipping school if I was going for books was it? But she adamantly said no. I was miserable. When Christmas came around, and I opened the box from my parents, I did not register the significance of the Mabel’s Fables bag that sat in the box, underneath was a signed copy of First Test, the first book of Protector of the Small Quartet. Turns out that my mum asked a family friend who lives in Toronto to go to the signing and get it for me. I still count this Christmas as one of the best Christmases ever.