Camp Nanowrimo days 4 to 19

Friday, July 20, 2018

This year I am participating in Camp NaNoWriMo to edit my manuscript entitled 
Riddles of the Sphinx. 

My cabin founder has created prompts for us and I thought it would be fun to put some up on my blog. 

4. Inspiration: what was the first seed for the story?
The first seed of my story never actually made it into the book! It was the sentence: "I will not ask the Muse to sing my story, for it is my story alone to tell." Though it did not end up in the manuscript the sentiment behind it drove the story. I wanted to write an adaptation of a Greek saga and I wanted to tell it from the point of view of a secondary character. Another phrase that inspired my story was: There are no happy endings

5. Conflict: Man vs. Himself, Man vs. Society, Man vs. Man, Man vs. Nature
Today's question was difficult for me but I think it is a combination of Man vs Man and Man vs Himself

6. Mood: describe your atmosphere in 5 words.
5 words to describe my atmosphere are: 
dire, doomed, harrowing, monstrous, yearning

7. This week, I'm grateful for...This week, I'm proud of...Next week, I want to work on...Goal Update
This week, I'm grateful for... this cabin and our daily questions! 
This week, I'm proud of... rewriting a few scenes. 
Next week, I want to work on... Writing more new material :) 
Goal Update: I am at 12,226 words, which is really good progress but I feel like I should have done more! It is hard to find time to sit down and write after work sometimes, especially when all I want to do it turn on Netflix!

8. Are you a plotter or pantser? Or the alternatives: architect or gardener?
I am definitely a plotter/architect! 
The first time I tried Nanowrimo (in 2016) I was a pantster and I did not finish. So the next year I found a system of plotting out my work that worked for me :)

9. Is this your first time participating in NaNoWriMo?
This is my first time doing Camp Nano. I have done Nanowrimo twice, the first time I switched to another story in the first week, and I got up to 28000 words by the end of November, I didn't plot the story out so I got stuck. That story has a lot of flowery descriptions of clothing and setting and not much plot! I prepared for the next Nanowrimo, using the JK Rowling outline to plot out my novel and I managed to finish that time. I am working on the 2nd draft of that story this month.

10. What is your writing goal for the rest of 2018?
My writing goal for the rest of this year was working towards being published. I was hoping to query agents by the end of the year, but I think I need to spend the whole year working on my manuscript. After I edit this draft I plan to submit it to Pitch Wars, and maybe take a creative writing course to workshop what I've been working on. We'll see if any of this ends up happening!

11. What's your writing strength? 
I think my strength is in descriptions. My friends and boyfriend have read my manuscript and they say the imagery is eerie and foreshadows some of the later action. I am usually more focused on what I need to improve on than what I am good at. Since last year I think my dialogue and pacing have improved, and I am getting better at plotting.

12. What's the hardest part of writing??
Actually writing is the hardest part! Especially finding time to write when you already have a busy schedule.

13. This week, I'm grateful for... This week, I'm proud of... Next week, I want to work on... Goal Update
This week I am grateful for my boyfriend. I had a really busy work week and he went grocery shopping and made dinner so I had time to write when I came home. Next week I am getting into the 2nd half of my book and I have to work on creating more of a emotional response to the action.

14. Writing icons and inspirations
My writing icons and inspiration are: J.K. Rowling, Tamora Pierce, Jay Kristoff and Madeline Miller. J. K. Rowling and Tamora Pierce got me excited to read when I was 11 and made me want to be a writer. Lately I discovered Jay Kristoff's books and I wish I had as much talent at pacing and writing action and emotional scenes. Lastly, Madeline Miller has been my biggest inspiration. Last year she inspired me to write my own adaptations of Greek myth. I recently emailed her and she sent me such a lovely reply, I look to her advice when I am feeling down.

15. What's a song in your writing playlist?
I've been listening to movie soundtracks as I edit and one of my favourites is Achilles Leads the Myrmidons from the Troy OST.

16. What is your favourite writing advice?
My inspirational quote comes from one of my favourite authors, Libba Bray: 
"Write like it matters, and it will."
I realize I should have posted some of the advice Madeline Miller gave me but I’d like to keep that just for me. 

17. Today's topic is writing juice a.k.a. your drink of choice.
My drink of choice is tea! Part of my writing ritual is to make a cup of Orange Pekoe and sit at my desk.

18. Describe your ideal writing location
The IDEAL writing location for me would be a castle in Ireland or a cottage in France, but I will settle for my desk in my apartment!

19. What's your writing uniform?
I wear everyday clothing to write. I feel more motivated to work when I am not in my pjs!

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